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Latvian Provisional National Council

Latvian Provisional National Council (also known as the National Council) was established on November 17 (Old Style)/November 29 (New Style) 1917 in Valka, Governorate of Livonia by Latvian refugee support Central committee, political parties and representatives from Provisional Land Council of Vidzeme and Provisional Land Council of Latgale. Due to German army advances, National Council also met in Petrograd, in secrecy from the new Bolshevik regime.

On October 14–17, 1917 Latvian organizations and politicians met in Petrograd and agreed to create a Council that would include 3 representatives from Vidzeme, 3 from Latgale, 3 from Kurzeme, 2 from refugee support Central committee, 1 from Baltic refugee organization, 2 from Iskolat, 2 from Soldiers Union, 1 from Farmers' Union, 1 from left wing and 1 from right wing of Social Democrats, as well as 1 from eser, radical democrat and national democrat parties each, thus making sure that all Latvian political factions were represented. At this point no representatives from Baltic German, Jewish, Russian or Polish minorities were included.

The first session met between November 29 and December 2, 1917 (November 16–19 Old Style) in Valka. Bolshevik controlled parties and left-wing Social Democrats decided to abstain from participation. The First session is attended by representatives from Vidzeme, Latgale and Courland land councils, Latvian soldier national union, Latgalian soldiers, Latvian refugee support Central committee, Baltic refugee support committee, Latgalian refugee support committee, Latvian Farmers' Union, Latvian National Democratic Party, Latvian Democrat Party, Latvian Radical Party and Latvian Cooperative Congress. Left-wing Vidzeme land council representatives and Social Democratic menshevik faction participated as observers only.

Some delegates wanted to proclaim independence right away, but it was opposed by Farmers' Union delegates. The compromise decision was made that the exact status of the Latvian state shall be decided by a future Constitutional Assembly.

On November 19 delegates sent three congratulatory telegrams - to Ukrainian Central Rada, to Nationalities Congress in Kiev and to Parliament of Finland.

More importantly, on November 19 session National Council adopted two resolutions. The first one was addressed to the "Russian revolutionary democracy" and proclaimed unification of all Latvian inhabited lands. This meant that Latgale is to be united with the Latvian inhabited lands of Governorate of Livonia and Courland Governorate. The second one was addressed to "foreign countries and nations" proclaiming Latvia's autonomy. "Latvia, which includes Vidzeme, Kurzeme and Latgale is an autonomous state unit, its internal and external system will be decided by its Constitutional Assembly and a popular plebiscite."

