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Largina (castra)

Largiana (castra) is located in Romania
Largiana (castra)
Location within Romania
Alternative name(s) Largina
Known also as Castra of Românași
Founded 2nd century AD
Attested by Tabula Peutingeriana
Province Dacia
Administrative unit Dacia Porolissensis
Administrative unit Dacia Superior
Limes Porolissensis
Directly connected to
— Stone structure —
Size and area 130 m x 157 m (2 ha)
— Wood and earth structure —
Size and area 125 m x 153 m (1.9 ha)
Coordinates 47°06′25″N 23°10′21″E / 47.1069°N 23.1724°E / 47.1069; 23.1724
Town Românași
County Sălaj
Country  Romania
RO-LMI SJ-I-s-A-04953
RO-RAN 142435.01
Recognition Monument istoric.svg National Historical Monument
Condition Ruined
Exhibitions County Museum of History and Art, Zalău

Largina was a fort in the Roman province of Dacia.

Coordinates: 47°05′57″N 23°10′31″E / 47.09917°N 23.17528°E / 47.09917; 23.17528

