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Lalaing family

noble family
Blason ville fr Marpent (Nord).svg

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg Holy Roman Empire

Flag of Hainaut.svg County of Hainaut
Bandera cruz de Borgoña 2.svg Habsburg Netherlands
Bandera cruz de Borgoña 2.svg Spanish Netherlands
Austrian Low Countries Flag.svg Austrian Netherlands

Flag of France.svg First French Empire
Flag of the Netherlands.svg United Kingdom of the Netherlands

Flag of Belgium.svg Kingdom of Belgium
Founded ± 11th century
Motto Sans Reproche

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg Holy Roman Empire

Flag of France.svg First French Empire
Flag of the Netherlands.svg United Kingdom of the Netherlands

Lalaing is a noble family from the North of France that played an important role in the history of the County of Hainaut and the Netherlands.

The first known ancestor is Gerard de Forest who lived in the 11th century.

Simon de Lalaing (1405–1476): Knight of the Golden Fleece.
married to Jeanne de Gavre (-1478)

