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La Reyne le veult

"La Reyne le veult" ("The Queen wills it") or "Le Roy le veult" ("The King wills it") is a Norman French phrase used in the Parliament of the United Kingdom to signify that a public bill (including a private member's bill) has received royal assent from the monarch of the United Kingdom. It is a legacy of the time prior to 1488 when Parliamentary and judicial business was conducted in French, the language of the educated classes after the Norman Conquest of 1066. It is one of a small number of Norman French phrases that continue to be used in the course of Parliamentary procedure.

The phrase is used to signify that the Monarch has granted his or her royal assent to a bill in order to make it become law. It is used by the Clerk of the Parliaments in the House of Lords. It is only used after the Lord Chancellor accompanied by the Lords Commissioners, has read out the Letters patent for the bill. The Clerk of the Crown then reads out the short title of the bill and the Clerk of the Parliament responds by saying the phrase towards the House of Commons at the bar of the House for each bill. The phrase is also written on the paper of the bill to show that the Monarch granted royal assent to the bill.

The phrase has been misused on other bills, just as the wrong phrase has also been used for government bills. There are a few occasions where this has happened, most notably on the Act of Supremacy 1558 where "Soit fait comme il est désiré" ("Let it be done as it is desired"), the phrase used for personal bills, was used instead of "La Reyne le veult".

