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The UK Large-Scale Complex IT Systems (LSCITS) Initiative is a research and graduate education programme focusing on the problems of developing large-scale, complex IT systems (also referred to as Ultra-large-scale systems or ULSS). The initiative is funded by the EPSRC, with more than ten million pounds of funding awarded between 2006 and 2013.

The initial motivation for the establishment of a research programme in large-scale complex IT systems was the publication of a 2004 report by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the British Computer Society. This report examined the causes of failure of a number of large software projects and made several recommendations for research to address some of these problems.

A second report, authored by Seth Bullock & Dave Cliff and also published in 2004, was commissioned by the UK Government's Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Office of Science and Technology and carried the title Complexity and Emergent Behaviour in ICT Systems The main conclusions of this report were that the primary challenges needing to be addressed in the UK are institutional and cultural obstacles to appropriate interdisciplinary research and that there was an urgent need to address omissions in UK undergraduate computer science education.

In October 2005, Dave Cliff was appointed Director of the LSCITS initiative by the EPSRC and was asked to consult extensively with industry on their problems in this area and, on the basis of this consultation, to form a consortium to tackle these problems. The results of the consultation were that the key concerns of industry were socio-technical issues arising from the interactions between organisations, people and systems and in high-integrity systems engineering. On the basis of this, a consortium was formed with two partners (York, Oxford) focusing on formal methods and high-integrity systems and two partners (Leeds, St Andrews) focusing on socio-technical systems. Subsequently, a further project focusing on cloud computing was approved with Bristol, St Andrews and Aston Universities as partners.

The five-year research project started in October 2007 with the associated EngD program starting in October 2009.

The aim of the LSCITS research project is:

The LSCITS stack (Figure 1) shows the research areas that are particularly relevant to LSCITS.


