LGBT rights in Kuwait | |
Same-sex sexual activity legal? | Illegal: Islamic Sharia Law is applied |
Not specifically outlawed, but prosecuted under the "debauchery" law with jail time up to 6 years |
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) persons in Kuwait face challenges not experienced by non-LGBT Kuwaitis. Homosexuality is not specifically outlawed but gay people can be prosecuted under the "debauchery" law.
The penal code contains some general provisions against debauchery and immorality that can be used to punish LGBT people.
In 2008, cross-dressing in public became illegal. In 2016 three men were arrested for cross-dressing and had their heads shaved before being referred to the authorities for further investigation.
In 1988, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Public Health published a report on HIV infections in Kuwait, especially the person's nationality, marital status and sexual orientation. In 2004 a United Nations report on HIV in Kuwait found that about six percent of known transmission cases were the result of unprotected sexual contact between men.
In 1992, the Kuwaiti national assembly outlawed the knowing transmission of HIV to another person.
Forigners found to be infected with AIDS/HIV are deported, but Kuwaiti citizens who are infected are entitled to out patient medical care, organized by a specialised infectious disease hospital.
No known association or charity exists in Kuwait to campaign for LGBT rights or organize educational and social events for the LGBT community.
In 2007, the Al Arabiya news service reported that a group of Kuwaitis had applied for a permit to form a new association that would stand up for the rights of LGBT Kuwaitis. All such interest groups or clubs have to be approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, which never formally replied.