This is a list of characters from the shōjo manga series Ouran High School Host Club, created by Bisco Hatori. The story takes place in a fictional high school named Ouran Elite Academy and follows the experiences of honor student and scholarship recipient Haruhi Fujioka as she is forced to join an all-male host club following an accident that places her in the club's debt.
The Ouran High School Host Club characters have been praised as well-rounded comedic creations that "play on bishōnen stereotypes", a theme commonly found in other Japanese manga.
Name romanizations differ among the several different English-language products released for this franchise: English-language editions of the manga published by VIZ Media and Chuang Yi, the anime from Funimation and the Nippon Television's Japanese-language website on the series.
The plot centers on the adventures of Haruhi Fujioka, a student of middle class means who earns entrance to Ouran Academy, an exclusive and prestigious high school attended by pupils from aristocratic or wealthy families. Haruhi is mistaken to be a boy due to her androgynous name, baggy clothing and cropped hair. In her search for a quiet place to study, she enters the Third Music Room where she encounters the members of the student-run host club where beautiful, charismatic male students entertain female students. In their initial encounter, she accidentally breaks a priceless Renaissance vase and is forced into servitude to the club in order to repay her debt.
The Host Club itself is co-founded by Tamaki Suoh, son of the school's chairman, and his best friend, Kyoya Ootori, son of one of Japan's wealthiest and most elite families. Suoh hand picks the members with variety of appeal in mind for their potential customers. Each club member plays a specific role as a bishōnen stereotype: Tamaki Suoh is the princely type; Kyoya is the cool type; Mori is the strong silent type; Honey is the cute type; Hikaru and Kaoru are the little devil type; and Haruhi is the natural type (once promoted to hosthood). In addition to the club members, the storyline features customers and associates, as well as family members, schoolmates, rivals and other characters that come and go.