Kydex is a line of thermoplastic acrylic-polyvinyl chloride materials manufactured by Sekisui SPI. It has a wide variety of applications, including for aircraft bulkhead (partition)s, firearm holsters, sheaths, and for knives.
Similar acrylic polyvinyl chloride material (IPK Acrylic-polyvinyl chloride) is manufactured by Emco Plastics and Interstate Plastics, which carries nearly identical properties with an added layer for screen printing.
Kydex sheet was originally produced in 1965 by Rohm and Haas, having been designed for use in aircraft interiors. In 1987, the product line was purchased by Kydex, LLC, formerly Kleerdex Company, LLC, which manufactures the material under the name Sekisui SPI at a location in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
It is an acrylic-polyvinyl chloride composite engineered for thermoforming fabrication, and combines properties of both the acrylic and the polyvinyl chloride components. From acrylic, it obtains rigidity and formability; from PVC, toughness, chemical resistance and good interior finish ratings. Sheet thickness ranges from .028 to .500 inches and can be thermoformed, post formed, brake formed and laminated.
For some applications it is used as replacement for leather, where it has the following advantages: