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The Norwegian Military Academy (Krigsskolen), in Oslo, educates officers of the Norwegian Army and serves as the King's Royal Guard. The academy was established in 1750, and is the oldest institution for higher education in Norway. The current commandant is Colonel Ingrid Margrethe Gjerde.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Norwegian armed forces, Hans Jacob Arnold Jensen, sent a request to the King of Denmark-Norway in 1750 to establish a school of mathematics in Christiania. The King determined, through the Royal Resolution of 16 December 1750, to establish Den frie matematiske skole (The Free Mathematical School). It was the first institution offering higher education in Norway, but it did not give any extensive military education. The students were recruited from the officer corps or from nobles in military service.

After a reorganization in 1804, the school became an officer school and an independent unit with its own command. From 1876-1880 a college degree was required to apply. The school was first established at Tollbugata 10. It was moved to St. Olavsplass in 1899 and in 1918 it was moved back to Tollbugata 10. In 1969, it was moved to Linderud, where it is currently located.

Between 1984 and 1995 Krigsskolen Gimlemoen in Kristiansand was also in operation. This was a 2-year degree (in addition to a one year NCO/ Sargent schools, and at least one year service as an NCO as a requirement for admission). Students from KSG was awarded a commission as officers in the Army. [1].

In 2003, the Military Academy was obligated to follow the Law of Universities and granted the right to award bachelor's degrees.

Applicants must be Norwegian citizens aged at least eighteen, have good health and no criminal record, and must have completed high school and a one-year NCO course.

After being accepted as candidates, all applicants must then complete and pass a two-week field exercise, with physical tests which include a three kilometre run, hang-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and a 200-metre swimming test.

