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Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG

Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG
Industry Energy supply
Founded 1925
Website http://www.grimselstrom.ch/

Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG (KWO) is a Swiss energy supply company, based in Innertkirchen and operating several hydroelectric plants in the Oberhasli area of the Canton of Berne. It also operates a number of tourist attractions in the same area, mostly with some relationship to its energy supply business. It uses the brands Grimselstrom and Grimselwelt, the latter specifically for its tourism ventures. Both brands are named after the Grimsel Pass that forms the upper end of its operating area.

Founded in 1925, the company had its first power plant, Handeck 1, online by 1932. Currently, KWO is operating nine plants, fed by the reservoirs of Grimselsee, Oberaarsee, Räterichsbodensee, Gelmersee and Totensee, with a total of 26 turbines giving a total maximum power output of 1.125 Gigawatts. The company produces around 2,350 Gigawatt hours of electricity annually, which represents about 7% of the country's total hydroelectric energy production.

The company also owns the Meiringen–Innertkirchen railway, the Gelmerbahn funicular, and the Sidelhornbahn, Triftbahn and Tällibahn aerial lifts. All of these were originally built to assist the construction and maintenance of its hydroelectric plants, but now provide transport for local residents and/or tourists. Additionally the Kraftwerke Oberhasli operates and maintains the Reichenbachfall Funicular, although this is owned by the neighbouring EWR Energie company.

