Komikwerks is a comic publisher founded in 2000 by animation professional Shannon Denton and Internet design professional Patrick Coyle.
The website, Komikwerks.com went live on March 5, 2001. The initial mission of being to allow independent comic creators the means with which to get their own comics out to readers around the world utilizing the speed and economy provided by the internet.
The site launched with nine titles including Astounding Space Thrills by Steve Conley, Buzzboy by John Gallagher, Abby's Menagerie by Jenni Gregory, The Crater Kid by Marty Baumann and Johnny Smackpants by Patrick Coyle.
Byron Preiss ' startup publishing venture iBooks took an interest in the company and became a minority owner in April 2003. That partnership continued until shortly after Preiss’ death in June 2005.
In July 2003, the company caught the interest of Hollywood management and production concern Circle of Confusion. They announced a deal that would allow the company to shepherd select works on the Komikwerks banner to film, animation, television and video games.
To date, many of Komikwerks properties have been optioned including Jason Kruse's The World of Quest, John Helfers and Bernie Wrightson’s The Nightmare Expeditions, Dan Mishkin and Tom Mandrake's The Forest King and Aaron Sowd's Masterminds.
In August 2003, Komikwerks published their first printed anthology of strips. Highlights of the book includes work by noteworthy comics, TV and animation pros like Andrew Cosby, Matt Haley, Andy Kuhn, Will Meuginot, Danny Miki among others, and featured the debut of Aaron Sowd’s Masterminds.
The anthology was a success and was followed up by four additional volumes over the next two years, each with increasing circulation. These volumes featured the works of such names as Keith Giffen, Dwayne McDuffie, Dave Johnson, Art Thibert, Dan Mishkin, Tom Mandrake.
In August 2004 Komikwerks entered into an agreement with comics legend Stan Lee. The result was the launch of Stan Lee's Sunday Comics, which featured premium quality strips, and the return of the Stan’s highly regarded column: Stan’s Soapbox.