Komarr is a fictional planet in Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga series of novels and stories.
Discovered centuries prior to the Vorkosigan Saga, Komarr is undergoing a major terraforming project to make the outside air breathable. During this centuries-long program, the Komarrans are confined to domed cities, with controlled air supplies. The outside air is far too rich in carbon dioxide. The planet is also very cold, somewhat similar to Mars. At the time of the Vorkosigan saga, the most complicated life form outside the domes is a genetically modified peat moss. There is also a large orbital mirror, which increases amount of sunlight actually hitting the planet. The terraforming program, and the orbital mirror, are major plot points in the book Komarr.
Komarr has strategic importance because its local space contains the single known wormhole into Barrayar, the heart of the Barrayaran Empire. It is also a major trade nexus.
Eighty years prior to the Vorkosigan Saga, Barrayar was invaded by Cetaganda. As the only entrance to Barrayar was through Komarr, the Cetagandan empire bought Komarran cooperation. Cetagandan forces occupied Barrayar for twenty years but were eventually driven out of Barrayaran space. After thirty years of recovery and technological regrowth, Barrayaran forces poured through the wormhole to invade Komarr for three main reasons:
The Barrayaran invasion was successful. Komarr is currently controlled peacefully by Barrayar. A number of Komarrans have reached high rank in the Imperial military, and Emperor Gregor has married Dr Laisa Toscane, member of a Komarran oligarch family.
After the invasion, 200 prominent citizens, including members of the oligarchy, were held captive by Barrayarans in Solstice, the capital city of Komarr, having been promised safety by Admiral Lord Aral Vorkosigan. In Vorkosigan's absence, the prisoners were all murdered on the orders of his political officer (who had been assigned to Admiral Vorkosigan against his will). In retribution, and to regain his honor, Admiral Vorkosigan killed the political officer with his bare hands. As the suspected perpetrator of the massacre, Vorkosigan was afterward known as the "Butcher of Komarr".
The Solstice Massacre inspired an upsurge in terrorist activity. One of the Komarran terrorist groups would eventually become responsible for the creation of Mile's Vorkosigan's clone-brother Mark.
Laisa is a member of the Komarran Oligarchy who marries into the Barrayaran Imperium and bears Emperor Gregor's heirs.