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Kohanim sons of Zadok

The Sons of Zadok (Hebrew: בְּנֵי צָדֹוק‎‎ bǝnê Ṣādōq) are a family of Jewish priests, kohens, descended from Zadok, the first high priest in Solomon's Temple.

The sons of Zadok are mentioned three times in the Hebrew Bible, as part of the Third Temple prophecies in the final chapters of the Book of Ezekiel, and are a theme in Jewish and Christian interpretation of these chapters.

The Tanakh records how prior to the death of Aaron at Hor HaHar, he was accompanied by his brother Moses, as well as his (Aaron's) elder son Eleazar and younger son Ithamar. Upon entry to the cave where Aaron died, he witnessed as his brother Moses dressed his elder son Eleazer with the clothes of the high priesthood, as initiation to high priesthood.Jewish commentaries on the Bible express that this initiation ceremony served as the catalyst for the stipulation that all future candidates of high priesthood be patrilineal descendants of Eleazar the elder son of Aaron and not Ithamar - the younger son. Similarly, the Hebrew Bible relates how, at the time Phineas son of Eleazar appeased God's anger, he merited the divine blessing of God;

Phineas the son of Elazar the son of Ahron the Kohen..Behold I give to him my covenant of Peace, and is/will be his and his progeny after him (a) covenant of everlasting priesthood in turn of his zealousness for of his God, and he atoned for the sons of Israel

. Torah commentators such as Yosef Karo and explain that the continuity of high priesthood is put forth to the descendants of Phineas from this noted verse.

Torah commentators record that Phineas sinned due to his not availing his servitude of Torah instruction to the masses at the time leading up to the Battle of Gibeah. In addition, he also failed to address the needs of relieving Jephthah of his vow. As consequence, the high priesthood was taken from him and given to the offspring of Ithamar, essentially Eli and his sons. Upon the sin of Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas, Elkanah prophesied the return of high priesthood to the sons of Eleazar;

