In Greek mythology, Kleodora /kliːəˈdɔərə/ was one of the prophetic Thriai, nymphs who divined the future by throwing stones or pebbles. She and her sisters Melaina and Daphne lived on Mount Parnassus, were Delphi is located and was loved by Poseidon. With Poseidon she became the mother of Parnassus. In myths where demigods have two fathers the other is listed as Kleopompos. Parnassus is famous for creating a method of telling the future by using birds and founding the main city on Mt. Parnassus. Her father was the local river-god Cephissus of northern Boeotia.
The meaning of her name and the names of her sisters connect her to the future and Apollo. Kleodora means Glorious Gift, Melania means The Black, and Daphnis means Laurel. Kleodora's name refers to her gift of prophecy. Melania's name refers to the black that would surround the stones used for Prophecy. Daphnis' name is directly related to Apollo because laurels were often used to represent him.
According to the myth of Apollo's origins, cross-referenced with a report on how honey is related to early mythology, Kleodora was one of the Thirae, three prophetic nymphs who originally translated for Pythia the Python, Pythia being the original Oracle of Delphi. Because Hera did not like Zeus's mistresses, she commanded Pythia to follow Leto whenever she was in the sun, so that she would never have any rest during the pregnancy. Shortly after his birth, Apollo discovered this and set out to destroy Pythia. Once Apollo defeated Pythia, he demanded that the nymphs at Delphi teach him how to prophesy in her place. He was 4 days old. Kleodora specialized in in prophesying with small stones, which likely means that she was using Lithomancy.