Kites are given mooring by many methods. Watercraft and aircraft traditionally have the term "mooring" applied to making the watercraft or aircraft fast to some external object. The kite has two parts: wing and kite line; the kite essentially needs mooring to either a mobile or fixed object in order to develop the tension in the kite line that gets converted to lift and drag to have the kite fly in its media (air, water, gases, plasma, soil, ice). Governments frequently have regulations about the mooring of atmospheric balloons and atmospheric kites that are operated in governed airspace. The United StatesFederal Aviation Regulation Part 101 regulates the mooring of qualified kites and balloons in airspace that the U.S. governs; those regulations do not apply to ungoverned spaces and special ambient flying media.
Kite lines of a flying kite moored to a non-moving object (tree stump, ground soil anchor, kite anchor, rock, fence, pole, non-moving car, resting person, ...or any non-moving object, then the kite is statically moored. People are still responsible for kites that they moor to static objects under moral responsibility and under regulations of some governing body. Mooring kites to static objects occurs for various reasons. The tension in a kite line may be so great that the kite line pulls off its mooring or breaks the mooring; injury to property and people may result when a kite or kite system is improperly moored; a kite may drag its mooring inadvertently so that unintended consequences occur---in such instances the mooring is no longer holding the kite fast as might have been intended.
When a recreation kiting person is holding a kite line in his or her hand to moor a kite, then the hand moves, even if slightly; but the hand may move greatly to control the kite in kite fighting or stunt-kite flying. Also, the person may walk windward or oppositely for various reasons. That all is an example of a well-known mobil kite mooring. Other well-noted mobile kite moorings include a towing scooter, a towing bicycle, a skate board, a wave-moved surfboard or kiteboard, a cargo-ship, a boat, a horse, a dog, a raft, ...and many other moving vehicles or machines. Some kiters moor a kite to a floating object and let the kite tow the object across ponds, lakes, bays; some persons moor themselves to kites and let the kite tow them across water bodies, sand expanses, and grass fields. Others have historically found ways to safely moor themselves to kite lines where the kite is a very large wing while they jump off hills and mountains to fly their kites in the special kiting mode that is then called hang gliding; since the pilot is mobile, then the mooring is a dynamic mooring. U.S. FAR 101 covers the dynamically moored manned hang gliders without using the word "mooring" in the regulation; some hang gliders are not kites; some hang glider are kites. The engineering challenges for mooring cargo-ship moored kite system are daunting. Mooring the war time barrage balloons and kytoons challenged engineers and operators. Accidents in mooring have killed people.