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Kingdom of Prome

Kingdom of Prome
ဒုတိယ သရေခေတ္တရာ
Vassal of Shan States (1532–1542)
Capital Prome (Pyay)
Languages Burmese
Religion Theravada Buddhism
Government Monarchy
 •  1482–1526 Thado Minsaw
 •  1526–1532 Bayin Htwe
 •  1532–1539 Narapati
 •  1539–1542 Minkhaung
Legislature Hluttaw
 •  Founding of Kingdom 1482
 •  War with Ava 1524–1525
 •  War with Confederation of Shan States 1532
 •  War with Toungoo 1539–1542
 •  Fall of Kingdom 19 May 1542
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Ava Kingdom
Toungoo dynasty

The Prome Kingdom (Burmese: ဒုတိယ သရေခေတ္တရာ နေပြည်တော်) was a kingdom that existed for six decades between 1482 and 1542 in present-day central Burma (Myanmar). Based out of the city of Prome (Pyay), the minor kingdom was one of the several statelets that broke away from the dominant Ava Kingdom in the late 15th century. Throughout the 1520s, Prome was an ally of the Confederation of Shan States, and together they raided Avan territory. After Ava fell to the Confederation armies in 1527, Prome itself became a tributary of the Confederation in 1532. In the late 1530s, Prome became ensnarled in the Toungoo–Hanthawaddy War (1534–41). Despite military assistance from the Confederation and the Mrauk U Kingdom, the small kingdom fell to the Toungoo (Taungoo) forces in 1542.

For much of the first half of the second millennium, Prome was a vassal state of Upper Burma-based kingdoms–Pagan, Pinya and Ava. During the Ava period (14th–15th centuries), Prome was the southernmost region abutting the rival Hanthawaddy Kingdom. The region was a frequent battlefield during the Forty Years' War (1385–1424) between Ava and Hanthawaddy. Avan kings considered the region the most strategic, and appointed only the most senior princes as viceroys of Prome (Pyay). For example, Crown Prince Minye Kyawswa, King Thihathu of Ava and King Narapati of Ava were once governor of Prome.

