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Kingdom of Hungary in the 18th and 19th century

Kingdom of Hungary
Königreich Ungarn (de)
Regnum Hungariae (la)
Magyar Királyság (hu)
Crownland of Habsburg Monarchy and Austrian Empire
Regnum Mariae Patrona Hungariae
"Kingdom of Mary, the Patron of Hungary"
Capital Buda
Languages Official languages:
(before 1784; 1790–1844)
(1784–1790; 1849–1867)
Other spoken languages:
Romanian, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Serbian, Italian, Ruthenian
Religion Catholic, Reformed, Lutheranism, Orthodox, Unitarianism, Judaism
Government Absolute monarchy
Apostolic King
 •  1526–1564 Ferdinand I (first)
 •  1848–1867 Franz Joseph I (last)
 •  1526–1530 Stephen Báthory (first)
 •  1847–1848 Stephen Francis (last)
Legislature Royal Diet
Historical era Medieval / Early Modern
 •  Battle of Mohács 29 August 1526
 •  Treaty of Nagyvárad 24 February 1538
 •  Treaty of Karlowitz 26 January 1699
 •  War of Independence 1703–1711
 •  Hungarian Revolution 15 March 1848
 •  Compromise of 1867 30 March 1867
Currency Forint
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Kingdom of Hungary (1301–1526)
Kingdom of Hungary (1867–1918)

The Kingdom of Hungary between 1526 and 1867 was, while outside the Holy Roman Empire, part of the lands of the Habsburg Monarchy, that became the Empire of Austria in 1804. After the Battle of Mohács of 1526, the country was ruled by two crowned kings (John I and Ferdinand I). Initially the exact territory under Habsburg rule was disputed because both rulers claimed the whole kingdom. This unsettled period lasted until 1570 when John Sigismund Zápolya (John I) abdicated as King of Hungary in Emperor Maximilian II's favor.

In the early stages, the lands that were ruled by the Habsburg Hungarian kings were regarded both as "the Kingdom of Hungary" and "Royal Hungary". Royal Hungary was the symbol of the continuity of formal law after the Ottoman occupation, because it could preserve its legal traditions. however in general it was de facto a Habsburg province. The Hungarian nobility forced Vienna to admit that Hungary was a special unit of the Habsburg lands and had to be ruled in conformity with her own special laws. Although, Hungarian historiography positioned Transylvania in a direct continuity with Medieval Kingdom of Hungary in pursuance of the advancement of Hungarian interests.

Under the terms of the Treaty of Karlowitz, which ended the Great Turkish War in 1699, the Ottomans ceded nearly all of Ottoman Hungary. The new territories were united with the territory of Kingdom of Hungary, and, although its powers were mostly formal, a Diet seated in Pressburg ruled these lands.

Two major Hungarian rebellions as the Rákóczi's War of Independence in the beginning of the 18th century and the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 marked important shifts in the evolution of the polity. The kingdom became a dual monarchy in 1867 known as the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

