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Kimarite (決まり手 kimari-te?) are winning techniques in a sumo bout. For each bout in a Grand Sumo tournament (or honbasho), a sumo referee, or gyōji, will decide and announce the type of kimarite used by the winner. It is possible (although rare) for the judges to modify this decision later. Records of the kimarite are kept and statistical information on the preferred techniques of different wrestlers can be deduced easily. For example, a pie chart of the kimarite used by each sekitori in the past year can be found on the Japan Sumo Association webpage.

Currently the Japan Sumo Association recognises eighty-two types of kimarite, but only about a dozen are used regularly. For example, yorikiri, oshidashi and hatakikomi are frequent methods used to win bouts. In addition to kimarite, a bout can end in a disqualification if either wrestler makes a foul (禁手 kinjite), such as striking with a closed fist.

The following is a full list of kimarite. Literal translations of the Japanese are also given.

Basic techniques. These, with the exception of the rarely seen Abisetaoshi, are some of the most common kimarite in sumo.

Forcing down the opponent on their back by leaning forward while in a grappling position (backward force down).

Pushing the opponent out of the ring without holding their mawashi or belt, nor fully extending his arms. Hand contact must be maintained through the push (front push out).

Pushing the opponent down out of the ring (the opponent falls out of the ring instead of backing out) without holding their mawashi. Hand contact is maintained throughout the push (front push down).

