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In the context of Philippine culture, the Tagalog word kilig refers to the feeling of excitement due to various romantic situations such as making first eye contact with one's crush or watching another person propose to someone. There is no exact equivalent English term for kilig.

There is no clear definition of the concept or a definite translation into English. Some of the not so accurate translations include "giddiness," "shudder," "tremble," "tingle" and "thrill." The word is much closer to the idiomatic expression "."

According to Ateneo de Manila University Sociology and Anthropology Department faculty member Skilty Labastilla, kilig is usually felt in the first phase of romance, particularly during courtship or honeymoon phase in a relationship. In scientific terms, according to neuropsychologist Dr. Danilo Tuazon, hormones play a role when someone feels kilig. Those hormones that stimulate emotions include testosterone produced by the Leydig cells, adrenaline and norepinephrine, both produced by the adrenal medulla. Testosterone is for motivation while adrenaline is for the increase on one's heart rate and norepinephrine is for the regulation of emotions.

Sociologist Bro. Clifford Sorita, defines kilig as an initial attraction; either having a crush or infatuating over someone. Sorita insists that on this phase, it can't be defined that if one feels kilig over someone, the person already has a deep relationship with that certain someone and asserts that kilig is not yet love. However, the sociologist also added that kilig may lead to love if it becomes an avenue for more meaningful interaction with the person. Filipino journalist Bernadette Sembrano states in her column in The Philippine Star that aside from infatuated love, kilig can also refer to intense passion or interest that leads a person to jump for joy or shout with high-pitched voice.

