Kia kaha is a Māori phrase used by the people of New Zealand meaning stay strong, used as an affirmation. The phrase has significant meaning for Māori: popularised through its usage by the 28th Māori Battalion during World War II, it is found in titles of books and songs, as well as a motto.
Linguistically, kia kaha consists of the desiderative verbal particle kia, used here as 'an encouragement to achieve the state named', that is, to achieve kaha or strength. Kaha derives from Proto-Polynesian *kafa, meaning "strong" or "great"; *kafa is also the Proto-Polynesian term for sennit rope, a strong rope made from coconut fibres and used for lashing canoes, weapons, and buildings together.
The phrase is used in several different contexts. It is a term of comfort or solace (an equivalent of be strong - my thoughts are with you), or (less often) it can serve a similar function to 'kia ora' - an interjection during a speech to indicate support or approval (similar to hear! hear!). It is sometimes seen used as a valediction at the bottom of messages.
The phrase "Kia kaha" is prominently used in New Zealand's most famous military song, the Marching Song of the 28th Māori Battalion. The phrase has been used for the title of a song by Split Enz and a book, Kia Kaha: New Zealand in the Second World War by historian John Crawford. Other songs to use Kia kaha as part of their titles include "Kia Kaha Nga Iwi" (Be strong, o tribes), by Ngoi Pewhairangi.
Kia kaha has been used as the name of various products, most notably a clothing manufacturer. It is also the official name of the New Zealand Police's school anti-bullying campaign.
It was incorporated in the RNZAF'S 75 Squadron motto, Ake ake kia kaha, where 'ake ake' means '(for)ever (for)ever' and 'kia kaha' means 'be strong'. Ake! Ake! Kia Kaha E! was the marching song of the New Zealand Army's 28th (Māori) Battalion.
Numerous schools use Kia kaha as, or as part of, their mottoes, including Te Aute College, Hawke's Bay (Whakatangata kia kaha); Tikipunga High School, Whangarei (Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui); Golden Bay High School, Takaka (Ake ake kia kaha); Rotorua Intermediate School, Rotorua (Kia kaha, kia maia); and Rosehill Intermediate School, Papakura (Whaia kia kaha) and Te Awamutu Te Awamutu College, Kingwood Park High school (Kia Kaha) and Richmond Primary School (Kia Kaha).