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Kenneth McLaren

Kenneth McLaren DSO (sometimes known as Kenneth MacLaren),DSO, (1860–1924) was a Major in the 13th Hussars regiment of the British Army. After his military service he assisted with the growth of the Scouting movement founded by his friend Robert Baden-Powell.

In 1898 McLaren married Leila Evelyn Landon, who died in 1904. He married Ethyl Mary Wilson in 1910 despite the advice of Baden-Powell, who considered her below his station.

McLaren had schooled at Harrow and studied at Sandhurst before joining his regiment, the 13th Hussars in 1880. He was posted to India, where he served as regimental adjutant and later aide de camp to General Baker Russell. In South Africa he was gravely wounded at the siege of Mafeking in March 1900, falling prisoner to the Boers. He was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) in November 1900. McLaren played polo throughout his military service, and was umpire of one of the two matches in the 1908 London Olympics.

McLaren first met Baden-Powell (also a 13th Hussars officer) in 1881. Although McLaren was 20 at the time, Baden-Powell nicknamed him "the Boy", on account of his appearance. The two became fast friends, their relationship being one of the most important friendships in Baden-Powell's life.

McLaren was recalled to military service in World War I, but retired again in 1915 due to ill-health.

