The manga series Case Closed, known as Meitantei Conan (名探偵コナン?, lit. Great Detective Conan, officially translated as Detective Conan) in Japan, features a large number of recurring fictional characters originally created by Gosho Aoyama. The series takes place in modern-day Japan and follows amateur detective Jimmy Kudo who solves cases in an episodic fashion while in his childhood body and under the alias Conan Edogawa. He is joined by childhood friend Rachel Moore, and her father Richard Moore who runs a detective agency. Throughout the series, Conan interacts and befriends many characters from various groups: the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, the local police in Conan's prefecture; The Junior Detective League, a group of children who solves mysteries for their clients; and the FBI. He also befriends a few individuals who know of his true identity: Dr. Agasa, who provides Jimmy with various spy gadgets; Harley Hartwell, a high school detective from Osaka; and Anita Hailey, the original developer of the poison who had also transformed into a child.
The manga became licensed by Viz Media while the anime adaptation was licensed by Funimation Entertainment. The two companies have Americanized many of the character names with both companies using different names or spellings for the same characters on several occasions. Other English editions such as the ones published in Singapore by Shogakukan Asia romanize the Japanese names.
The list follows the names as presented by the Viz Media manga.