Katerina Jebb (born 15 November 1962) is a British-born artist, photographer and film-maker.
She has previously lived and worked in Los Angeles, California. In 1989, Katerina Jebb moved to Paris.
Katerina Jebb's work is the subject of an exhibition at the Musée Réattu, Arles, July 2016-January 2017
Olivier Saillard, Director of the Musée Galliera, wrote the following text concerning her work:
I feel that Katerina Jebb desires to produce photographic works to chase away her doubts. Aided by the cold ray of light, it is the object, the clothing and sometimes even the human body that she examines in its shell, its skeleton. She turns photography into a ritual and sacred exercise in which the clothes and portraits are seen in a raw state. Her lost and rediscovered images are the absurd and drained mirrors of our worlds, of which they reveal tenderness and a sense of abandonment. Olivier Saillard Director of le Musée Galliera Paris, 2012