Kampong Sungai Tujoh is a village that is located in the Belait district of Brunei. It is not known if the village was named after the river of Sungai Tujoh or vice versa. The commercial port of Kuala Belait is also located on the banks of the Belait River in Kampong Sungai Tujuh.
Kampong Sungai Tujoh is located to the south of the municipality of Kuala Belait in Mukim Belait of the Belait District of Brunei. It is located at 114º12"E longitude and 4º34"N latitude.Coordinates: 4°34′N 114°12′E / 4.567°N 114.200°E
The village is bounded by Jalan Singa Menteri and Kuala Belait to the north, the Belait River to the west and south and the extension of Jalan Pandan Lima to the Seria Bypass as well as the suburb of Kampong Mumong to the east respectively. The Rasau area lies directly across the Belait River. The urban area of the village is contiguous with the municipality of Kuala Belait to the north; it serves as a suburb for the municipality.
The history of Kampong Sungai Tujoh is closely tied into the history of Kuala Belait. It was originally a village of squatters for labourers working in the municipality of Kuala Belait and the nearby Marine Construction Yard that was constructed by Brunei Shell Petroleum along the banks of the Belait River in the mid 1960s.