Kalanikaumakaowākea (or Kalanikaumaka-o-Wākea; kalani = "heavenly") was a King of the island of Maui in ancient Hawaii. He was named after the god called Wākea, who is the Sky father in Hawaiian religion and mythology.
Kalanikaumakaowākea was born to King Kauhiakama (son of King Kamalalawalu and Queen Piʻilaniwahine I) and his wife, Queen Kapukini III, daughter of Chief Makakaualiʻi.
He was a member of the Paumakua dynasty.
Kalanikaumakaowākea married a woman named Kekaikuihala I (Kaneakaula). Her parents were Chief Kuhinahinau of Kawaihae and his wife Keakahiwaʻakama.
These are the children of Kalanikaumakaowākea and Kekaikuihala:
Kalanikaumakaowākea also had a concubine, Makakuwahine (wahine = "woman"); their children were: