The Shuffle! light novel and anime series features an extensive cast of characters designed by Aoi Nishimata and Hiro Suzuhira. The series takes place in a fictional universe where humans live in harmony with gods, and devils. The protagonist is Rin Tsuchimi, a high school student from Verbena Academy who lives with his childhood friend Kaede Fuyou.
This is a list of characters that were introduced in Shuffle!. They are presented in the order they are given of the omake section of the game.
The main player character and the five heroines from the anime are listed here.
Rin Tsuchimi (土見 稟? Tsuchimi Rin) is the player character in the Shuffle games and the male protagonist in the anime series. He is a 17-year-old high school student. As noted by Kaede, Rin's main virtue is his kindness. This is both his greatest strength, as the girls love him because of this, and his greatest weakness, as shown later in the series by his indecisiveness and goal to make everyone happy, which usually ends up hurting them instead. Rin tends to show minimal initiative when dealing with the girls around him (mostly because of the abuse he receives from his fellow male classmates over his perceived relationship with his childhood friend Kaede). However, he starts to spend more and more time with both Lisianthus (Sia) and Nerine after they arrive and starts to develop feelings for them. With regards to Kaede, he thinks of her as a childhood friend only. When people comment that he and Kaede would make a good couple, Rin either waves it off or says that it is strange to think of it that way. This distance between them is caused in part by Kaede and Rin's dark past when both Rin's parents and Kaede's mother were killed during their travel when Rin and Kaede were kids. Rin reluctanly took the blame for it, causing Kaede to hate him during their childhood.
Kaede Fuyou (芙蓉 楓? Fuyō Kaede) is Rin's childhood best friend who grew up with him in the same house after her mother and Rin's parents died during their travel. Rin reluctanly took blame for it, causing Kaede to hate him and wish him dead. Some time after they started junior high school, Kaede found out about the real truth about her mother's death and felt bad about hating Rin and wishing him dead. Ever since then, she started taking care of Rin, doing everything from housework to making his meals. She is very down-to-earth, modest, polite and soft-spoken. However, when something greatly upsets or shocks her, she shows signs of psychosis and even violence. In the anime, when Rin spends too much time with Asa, Kaede pins Asa to the wall and tells her to die and that Rin is and always will be hers. But when Rin refuses to accept Kaede's feelings towards him, she contemplates suicide until Rin stops her, telling Kaede he loves her but not in a romantic way. In the original game, this is only visible in the back story: after her mother died during her return trip home, she abused Rin because she blamed him for her mom's death. To shock Kaede out of her apathetic state after her mother's death, Rin told that her mother and his parents were returning from their trip because he begged for them to return, when in fact it was Kaede who had gotten sick and they were returning so that her mother could look after her. He endured her abuse so that she wouldn't blame herself and fall into despair and depression. When she learned the truth of the matter, Kaede resolved to atone for all of her past misdeeds by serving Rin. In fact, it became her raison d'être and although Rin was not really comfortable with the idea, he was afraid of Kaede suffering a relapse by not allowing her to punish herself in this way. Kaede has romantic feelings for Rin, but considers herself unworthy to be loved by Rin or to stay by Rin's side. For Rin's part, he cares deeply about Kaede but more as a sister than romantically. In the anime, she comes to terms with Rin's lack of romantic feelings for her, and her own feelings for Rin, and she resolves to continue loving him.