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Kabukimono (傾奇者 (カブキもの)?) or hatamoto yakko (旗本奴?) were gangs of samurai in feudal Japan. They appeared between the end of the Muromachi period (AD 1573) and the beginning of the Edo period (AD 1603). The term Kabukimono is often translated into English as "strange things" or "the crazy ones", believed to be derived from kabuku, meaning "to slant" or "to deviate". They were either rōnin, wandering samurai, or men who had once worked for samurai families who, during times of peace, formed street gangs.

Kabukimono would often dress in flamboyant clothing, combining colors such as yellow and blue, and often accessorized by wearing short kimonos with lead weights in the hem, velvet lapels, wide obi, elements of European clothing or even clothes meant for women.Kabukimono also often had uncommon hairstyles and facial hair, either styled up in various fashions, or left to grow long. Their katana would often have fancy hilts, large or square tsuba, red scabbards and were usually longer than normal length. Some kabukimono even used extremely long kiseru as weapons.

