Kirkwall postcode area | |
Postcode area | KW |
Postcode area name | Kirkwall |
Post towns | 15 |
Postcode districts | 16 |
Postcode sectors | 22 |
Postcodes (live) | 1,839 |
Postcodes (total) | 2,048 |
Statistics as at February 2012 |
Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google
The KW postcode area or Wick postcode area is a group of postcode districts in the far north of Scotland. Though the area includes all of the Orkney Islands it is named after Wick (hence KW1) the largest town in Caithness, districts KW1-KW14 are on the mainland of Scotland roughly corresponding to the boundaries of the historic county of Caithness. The area comprises the post towns of Berriedale, Brora, Dunbeath, Forsinard, Golspie, Halkirk, Helmsdale, Kinbrace, Latheron, Lybster, Thurso and Wick, as well as Kirkwall, Stromness and the rest of Orkney.
The approximate coverage of the postcode districts: