KLUB is the name of the modern Russian train control systems. The abbreviation "КЛУБ" stands for "Комплексное локомотивное устройство безопасности", Integrated Train Protection System. The most common variant is KLUB-U where the U stands for unified (унифицированный).
KLUB-U in-cab signalling systems are able to decode the track-side ALSN codes (Continuous Automatic Train Signallisation) which is similar to RS4 Codici (comparable to Pulse Code Cab Signaling in the US). In the newer ABTC-M block control the KLUB-U systems decode signals by TETRA digital radio including a remote initiation of a train stop. In those areas the train position is derived from a satellite navigation system (GPS or GLONASS). The ITARUS-ATC connects the KLUB-U in-cab system via GSM-R digital radio with the ERMTS Level 2 RBC block control.
The KLUB-U systems are capable for high-speed tracks like that of the Velaro RUS (Sapsan).
The variant KLUB-P (КЛУБ-П) is restricted to cab signaling without track safety equipment. It is only used in category-II trains (including special cars and shunting movements). The variant KLUB-UP (КЛУБ-УП) is allowed for category-I trains (including passenger transport) where it replaces the cab signaling of ALSN.
The history of KLUB devices goes back to the year 1988 when it was considered to create a new microprocessor-controlled cab signaling that would allow advanced features. In the early 1990s a number of proposals were tested until in October 1994 the first KLUB device was certified for operation - in the following years there were 1214 locomotives being equipped with this version. This first KLUB version can be easily identified by its LED display (later KLUB devices use LCD displays).
In 1997 the manufacturer VNIIAS proposed a concept on the development of a new trail control system which the ministry approved. The concept KURS-B (КУРС-Б - Система комплексная унифицированная для регулирования и обеспечения безопасности движения поездов - integrated system for train control and train safety) would consist of three main parts: the KLUB-U cab signaling, the SAUT brake control (САУТ - система автоматического управления торможением) and the TS-KBM vigilance control (ТС КБМ - телемеханическая система контроля бодрствования машиниста).