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Königgrätz order of battle

The following units and commanders took part in the Battle of Königgrätz on July 3, 1866. Compiled from the Prussian Army's Official History of the war.

King William I of Prussia
General der Infanterie Helmuth von Moltke

General der Kavallerie Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia
Chief of Staff: Generalleutnant Konstantin Bernhard von Voigts-Rhetz

5th Division
Generalleutnant Wilhelm von Tümpling

6th Division
Generalleutnant Albrecht Gustav von Manstein

7th Division
Generalleutnant Eduard von Fransecky

8th Division
Generalleutnant Heinrich Friedrich von Horn

Army troops

Generalleutnant Stephan von Schmidt

3rd Division
Generalleutnant August von Werder

4th Division
Generalleutnant Friedrich Herwarth von Bittenfeld

Corps troops

General der Kavallerie Prince Albert of Prussia

1st Cavalry Division
Generalmajor Hermann von Alvensleben

2nd Cavalry Division
Generalmajor Benno Hann von Weyhern

Corps Troops

General der Infanterie Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia
Chief of Staff: Generalmajor Leonhard Graf von Blumenthal

