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Justus Vingboons

Justus Vingboons (or Vinckboons, Vinckeboons) (c. 1620 – c. 1698) was an Amsterdam architect. He was the brother of the better-known architect Philips Vingboons. Like his brother, Justus built in the "Dutch Classicism" style.

The most important work of Vingboons is Kloveniersburgwal 29 (the Trippenhuis), in which Dutch Classicism finds its purest and richest expression. The entire sandstone front has been given very detailed decoration and has eight colossal Corinthian pilasters.

Examples of other houses attributed to Justus Vingboons include Herengracht 257 (1661) and Herengracht 390-392 (1665). He also drew the facade of the House of Nobility in Stockholm during his visit there 1653-1656.

