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Jules Tavernier (EastEnders)

Jules Tavernier
Jules Tavernier EE.jpg
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Tommy Eytle
Duration 1990–1997
First appearance Episode 565
5 July 1990
Last appearance Episode 1549
23 December 1997
Introduced by Michael Ferguson
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Retired

Jules Tavernier is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Tommy Eytle between 5 July 1990 and 23 December 1997. Jules is depicted as a flirtatious older gentleman. He is introduced in 1990 and remains in the show after the departures of all of his on-screen family. He is largely semi-regular during the latter part of his stint, and is not featured again after December 1997. Jules Tavernier appeared in more than 150 episodes over his seven-year tenure.

Jules is from Trinidad but lived in Jamaica until he came to England on holiday in 1968. He stayed to help look after his son's newborn child, so that his daughter-in-law could do teacher training and work part-time. Jules's wife had died young and he had never settled in Jamaica, so when his other grandchildren came along, he had a full-time job helping the family and remained in England.

Jules arrives in Albert Square in July 1990 with the rest of the Tavernier family. He is an instant hit with the older ladies of Walford, and he regularly flirts with Walford stalwarts Ethel Skinner (Gretchen Franklin) and Dot Cotton (June Brown). Jules is a gambling man, and could often be seen playing cards with John Royle (Paddy Joyce) when he was visiting from Ireland. Jules is an easy-going, jovial person and his main purpose in his early years is to give support to his family and offer advice. Jules is so at home in Walford that he decides to stay when his son and daughter-in-law move to Norwich in 1992; his grandchildren, Clyde (Steven Woodcock) and Hattie (Michelle Gayle), remain with him. Jules is an independent person, despite his age, however this changes for a period in August 1992, after he is mugged by a couple of girls (one of the muggers was played by the singer Emma Bunton). After taking his money, one of the girls beats him over the head with a plank of wood. Jules is left shaken and ashamed by the ordeal. He eventually regains his health and confidence with the help of his friend, Dot, who nurses him better.

