The Judiciary of Barbados is an independent branch of the Barbadian government, subject only to the Barbadian Constitution. It is headed up by the Chief Justice of Barbados. Barbados is a common law jurisdiction, in which precedents from English law and British Commonwealth tradition may be taken into account.
There are three levels of courts in Barbados, structured as follows:
The Constitution places the Caribbean Court of Justice at the pinnacle of the Barbados Judicial System. The Court has two types of jurisdictions: appellate jurisdiction and original jurisdiction.
In its appellate jurisdiction, the Court serves as the final court of appeal from any decision given by the Barbados Court of Appeal in civil and criminal matters. In its original jurisdiction, the Caribbean Court of Justice is a court of first instance which applies rules of international law in respect to the interpretation and application of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas. In its original jurisdiction, it exercises both exclusive and compulsory jurisdiction in: 1. Disputes between Contracting Parties to the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice; 2. Disputes between any Contracting Party to the Agreement and the Caribbean Community; 3. Referrals from national courts or tribunals of Contracting Parties to the Agreement 4. Applications by persons in accordance with the Caribbean Court of Justice Act concerning the interpretation and application of the Treaty.
The Court also has exclusive jurisdiction: (i) to deliver advisory opinions concerning the application of the Treaty upon request of Contracting Parties or the Community; and (ii) where there is a dispute as to whether the Court has jurisdiction in a matter, to decide whether the Court has such jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the Caribbean Court of Justice is exercised in accordance with Rules of Court governing proceedings in the Court’s appellate and original jurisdictions.
The Magistrates' Courts (lower court) have of summary jurisdiction dealing with civil, family, and criminal matters. But can also take up matters dealing with Corornor's Inquests, Liquor Licences, and civil marriages. The Magistrates' Courts also deal with Contract and Tort law where claims do not exceed $10,000.00.
The Magistrate courts in Barbados include: