Designer(s) | Darren Pearce, Nick Robinson, Robert J. Schwalb, Russ Morrissey |
Publisher(s) | EN Publishing |
Publication date | 2017 |
Genre(s) | Science fiction |
System(s) | What's OLD is NEW (WOIN) |
Judge Dredd has been the inspiration for four role-playing game systems. These games are based on the fictional world of the Judge Dredd series from the British comic 2000AD. The first, Judge Dredd: The Role-Playing Game, was published under license by Games Workshop in the 1980s and used a rules system created specifically for the game, which resembled GW's Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
In 2002, Mongoose Publishing acquired the rights to publish games set in the worlds created by 2000AD, and they quickly released Sláine and Judge Dredd role-playing games, which used the d20 rules system. A total of 14 supplements were released for the Judge Dredd d20 RPG, in addition to support in their in-house magazine, Signs & Portents. In 2009, Mongoose Publishing released a new version of Judge Dredd, using their Traveller rules set, followed by a Strontium Dog game, also using Traveller rules.
Mongoose announced that their license was ending in late 2016. In February 2017, EN Publishing announced the new Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD Tabletop Adventure Game using the WOIN (What's OLD is NEW) roleplaying game system.
The role-playing games are unrelated to each other except for the setting.