Jon Cowan | |
Born |
Jonathan J. Cowan May 9, 1965 Cleveland, Ohio, United States |
Alma mater | Dartmouth College 1987 |
Jonathan Cowan is the President and a co-founder of Third Way, a think tank. He has over 15 years of experience at senior levels of politics and government, helping to found and run three advocacy and policy organizations, and helping run a major federal agency.
Jonathan Cowan (also known as Jon Cowan) was born in Cleveland, Ohio on May 9, 1965. Cowan was raised in Los Angeles for the majority of his childhood He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1987 with a degree in English. Cowan was a Visiting Fellow at Harvard's Institute of Politics in 2000, where he taught a course on youth and political advocacy.
From 1989 to 1992, Cowan was Press Secretary and Legislative Assistant to Congressman Mel Levine (D-CA).
In 1992, Cowan co-founded, with Rob Nelson, the organization Lead...or Leave. The organization, with no paying members, was primarily funded by American businessman Pete Peterson. In 1994 Cowan and Nelson co-authored the book Revolution X: A Survival Guide for Our Generation. Lead...or Leave closed in May 1995. During its three-year life, it raised $13 million, and registered 175,000 college students to vote.
During the second Clinton administration, Cowan served as Chief of Staff of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, helping to manage a federal agency of 9,000 employees with a $27 billion annual budget. During that presidency, Cowan also served as Senior Advisor to Secretary Andrew M. Cuomo, and as Acting Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs under Secretary Henry Cisneros.
In 2000, Cowan became president of the new organization Americans for Gun Safety, a non-profit organization that advocated for the rights of all Americans to own firearms for personal uses such as sport and protection. The organization was initially funded by Andrew McKelvey.