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Jonathan Blum (writer, born 1972)

Jonathan Blum (born May 1972) is an American writer most known for his work for various Doctor Who spin-offs, usually with his wife Kate Orman although he has also been published on his own. He lives in Australia, where he moved after meeting and falling in love with Orman on the Doctor Who newsgroup rec.arts.drwho (RADW).

Blum grew up in Maryland and attended The University of Maryland. He is a member of Alpha Phi Omega co-ed service fraternity. His sister is Ariana Kelly, a member of the Maryland House of Delegates.

Blum started out as a fan of the BBC Television series Doctor Who, and in particular the spin-off range of novels the New Adventures, and was mostly known for his discussions of the program and its spin-offs on RADW, and also for writing and starring in several fan films such as Time Rift, in which he impersonated Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.

Blum has joked that he slept his way into the Doctor Who range—his first credited professional work was the BBC Books' Eighth Doctor Adventure Vampire Science (BBC Books, 1997) written with his soon-to-be wife Kate Orman, who had already made her name with several popular New Adventures. (He had contributed scenes to a couple of those books, Return of the Living Dad and The Room With No Doors, and been credited internally but not on the cover.) He has since written two further Eighth Doctor Adventures with Orman, Seeing I (BBC Books, 1998) and Unnatural History (BBC Books, 1999). Orman's 2001 solo novel The Year of Intelligent Tigers was credited on the spine to Orman, but internally as "story by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman"; Blum provided the full outline and several interlude segments, as well as scenes for Orman's Blue Box (BBC Books, 2003).

