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John of Ireland

John Ireland or Irland (c.1440–95) was a Scottish theologian and diplomat.

A native of Scotland (Jean de Launoy, however, states that he was Irish), Ireland was first at St Andrews University but left in 1459 without a degree and joined the University of Paris as student and teacher. According to his own testimony he remained in France, "neare the tyme of thretty yere". Records of the Sorbonne suggest he came from a St Andrews family, although Perth has been suggested as his birthplace. Ireland settled in Paris, and became a doctor of the Sorbonne. As Johannes de Hirlandia he served as Rector of the University of Paris in 1469.

Louis XI of France sent Ireland to Scotland in 1480 to urge James III to declare war on England, and to reconcile Alexander Stewart, Duke of Albany with his brother the king (failing in this). King James induced him to return to live in Scotland, and gave him a benefice. Ireland then acted as his confessor, and wrote an advice book on kingship which was dedicated to his son and successor. His name appears on the rolls of the Scottish parliaments, and he is referred to by the Scottish historians John Lesley and Thomas Dempster.

As rector of Hawick, Ireland was one of the Scottish ambassadors sent in 1484 to France to receive the oath of Charles VIII to the treaty of 1483. On 23 September 1487 Henry VII of England, at the request of King James, granted a safe-conduct to the Bishop of St Andrews and John Irland, clerk.

Ireland wrote a book of advice for James III, who died during its compilation, and it was presented to his successor James IV. Divided into seven books, it comes from the Mirrors for princes genre. Book III is an exposition of the Apostle's Creed.

