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John Whitcomb

John Clement Whitcomb, Jr. (born June 22, 1924 in Washington, D.C.) is an American theologian and young earth creationist. He is well known as the co-author with Henry M. Morris of The Genesis Flood, which influenced many conservative American Christians to adopt Flood geology.

Whitcomb was the son of an army officer. He lived in northern China between the ages of 3 and 6, and later attended the McCallie School in Chattanooga, Tennessee. His education at Princeton University was interrupted in 1943 when he was drafted into the United States Army and served in Europe during World War II. While at Princeton, he converted to evangelical Christianity through the ministry of Donald B. Fullerton and the Princeton Evangelical Fellowship. He studied historical geology and paleontology for a year and graduated in 1948 with honors in ancient and European history. Thereafter he enrolled at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana, where he earned a B.D. degree in 1951, and remained at the seminary, teaching Old Testament and Hebrew, along with Young Earth Creationism. http://www.whitcombministries.org/

In 1953, the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) held its annual conference at Grace. Whitcomb was especially impressed by Dr. Henry M. Morris' presentation defending Flood geology against day-age, ruin-restoration and pictorial-day views. The two found that they shared a belief in a literal six-day creation and a global Flood. Bernard Ramm's book The Christian View of Science and Scripture, which was published in 1954 and led to ASA rejection of Flood geology, impelled Whitcomb to devote his doctoral dissertation to rebutting Ramm and defending a literal interpretation of Genesis 6-9. Whitcomb polled Old Testament, archeology and apologetics scholars at evangelical schools, but although he found a wide range of viewpoints, he found little support for Flood geology. Whitcomb completed his dissertation on 'The Genesis Flood' in 1957.

