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John O. Merritt

John O. Merritt is an expert in the applications of stereoscopic 3D displays and remote-presence systems.

He is a Fellow of SPIE and has co-chaired the annual SPIE/IS&T Conference on Stereoscopic Displays and Applications since co-founding it in 1990. He also teaches, together with Andrew Woods, a short course on "Stereoscopic Display Application Issues" each year at the annual Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference. He also co-chaired the IS&T/SPIE 2002 Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology Symposium.

He is the author of over 60 technical reports and papers in topics related to vision and simulation. Topics he has worked on include telerobotics, medical imaging and military off-road mobility.

He is the Chief Technology Officer of The Merritt Group.

Merritt has written, co-authored, and published many works across many fields of study. These include, but are not limited to:

