John Mavor was a pioneer in the design of MOS transistors and Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) for signal processing. During his career as an educator and researcher at the University of Edinburgh he was appointed Professor before becoming Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. He was subsequently appointed as Principal and Vice-Chancellor at Edinburgh Napier University.
Born in Ayrshire, Scotland, John Mavor was educated in London. He gained a BSc (Hons) from City University and PhD and DSc (Eng) degrees also from London and, later, Honorary DSc (Eng) awards from both City and Greenwich Universities.
Following his PhD in Metal-Oxide Silicon (MOS) transistors, in 1968 he joined Texas Instruments before moving to the Glenrothes subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft Company, a key centre for microelectronics in Silicon Glen.
He was appointed lecturer at The University of Edinburgh by Ewart Farvis in 1971 where held two consecutive chairs: the Lothian Chair of Microelectronics (1980–85); and the Chair of Electrical Engineering (1986-1994). He became Dean of Science and Engineering in 1989 after being Head of Electrical Engineering from 1984. Although a prominent academic, he consulted with many companies including Plessey, ICI, Thorn-EMI and General Instruments.