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John Leo

John Leo (born June 16, 1935) is a writer and editor in chief of Minding the Campus, an independent, non-profit web site on America's colleges and universities. He joined the Manhattan Institute as a senior fellow in 2007 to launch the project and developed the site at the Institute for the past 8 years. He is also a Visitor of Ralston College, a start-up liberal arts college in Savannah.

From 1988 to 2006 his weekly column for U.S. News & World Report was syndicated to 140 newspapers by Universal Press Syndicate. The column focused mainly on social and cultural issues, most commonly political correctness, but also advertising, movies, language, the news media, higher education, pop psychology and the self-esteem movement. His 1995 column on Time-Warner, terming it America's "leading cultural polluter", sparked the campaign that led to Time-Warner's decision to sell off its 50 percent share in Interscope Records, a heavy producer of gangsta rap.

Leo is a graduate of Regis High School in New York City (1952) and the University of Toronto (1957). He covered the criminal courts for the Bergen Record of Hackensack, New Jersey, for three years before becoming editor in 1960 of the Catholic Messenger, published by the diocese of Davenport, Iowa.

In 1963, he became an associate editor of Commonweal in New York, an independent Catholic magazine. In his weekly column for the National Catholic Reporter (1964–1967) he pushed hard for free speech and greater openness in the church. In this campaign he attracted many critics and was disinvited as a speaker several times and banned in the diocese of Allentown. When the Reverend Daniel Berrigan, a flamboyant anti-Vietnam-war Jesuit, was exiled to Latin America and put under a vow of silence, Leo broke the story in his column and Berrigan was quickly brought back home.

