John II (Johann II), (d. 1438), Lord of Jülich, Heinsberg and Löwenberg (Herr zu Julich und Heinsberg), son of Godfrey de Heinsberg, Count of Looz, and Philippa of Jülich, daughter of William V, Duke of Jülich, and Joanna of Hainaut. Although John was the first son of Godfrey, he did not inherit the countship of Looz, the title instead going to Arnold of Rumingy.
John married first Margaret (Margareta van Gennep, d. 1419), Countess of Solms-Braunfels, and second Anna of Solms (d. 1433). John and Margaret had four children:
John and Anna had two children:
Among the descendants of John (through Maria of Loon-Heinsberg) were Juliane of Nassau-Dillenburg and William the Silent, Prince of Orange.
Arlette Laret-Kayser, Entre Bar et Luxembourg : Le Comté de Chiny des Origines à 1300, Bruxelles (éditions du Crédit Communal, Collection Histoire, série in-8°, n° 72), 1986
Marchandisse, Alain, La fonction épiscopale à Liège aux xiiie et xive siècles: étude de politologie historique, Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et de Lettres de l'Université de Liège, 1998
Medieval Lands Project, Herren von Heinsberg (Sponheim)