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John Howard Cook

John Howard Cook, M.S., F.R.C.S. (30 May 1872 – 19 September 1946) was a British physician, missionary, lecturer, and disease consultant. With his brother he is known for the formation of the Mengo Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. Working alongside his brother, he carried his family's tradition of medical work overseas to Uganda where he focused on the surgical aspect of medical treatment. He spent 20 years spreading European medicine in Uganda and continued medical missionary service well beyond his years abroad.

John Howard Cook was born on May 30, 1872 in Hampstead, England. He was born to William Henry Cook, a medical officer in the Hampstead parish, and Mrs. Harriet Cook. John Howard Cook came from a large family and had 13 siblings during his childhood. Unfortunately, he was one of only 5 of the children who survived beyond their father's lifetime. Many of Cook's siblings died during childhood as a result of diseases like diphtheria, pneumonia, and typhoid fever. John Howard Cook’s younger brother, Sir Albert Cook, went on to become a prominent medical missionary in his own regard.

Cook’s early schooling took place at the St. Paul's School, where he won several merits and scholarships, before he went on to study medicine at University College Hospital. In 1895 Cook was accepted into the M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P, and that same year earned a Bachelor of Medicine (M.B) degree at University College London. Only two years later he earned a Master of Surgery (M.S.) degree and became a member of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (F.R.C.S.Eng). In addition to his many degrees prior to starting his missionary work, John Howard Cook earned a diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from Cambridge after working for several years in Uganda.

John Howard Cook was married to Ethel Maddox in 1898 and had three sons. In the early years of his medical career he served as an ophthalmic assistant at University College Hospital. In addition, he spent time as an assistant to the throat and ear department of the College and as a demonstrator of anatomy.

