John Gale Jones (1769–1838) was an English radical orator. He was several times imprisoned for provocative agitation against the government.
He was admitted to Merchant Taylors' School in 1783, and was then described as born on 16 October 1769. By profession he was a surgeon and apothecary, having been trained by William North, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons practising at Chelsea. It is questionable whether he was fully qualified as a physician; and Charles Roach Smith wrote that his political advocacy ruined his professional prospects.
Jones was a member of the London Corresponding Society. He spoke effectively at the British and Westminster forums, and publicly supported the progress of the French Revolution. In James Gillray's caricature of the public meeting held at Copenhagen Fields on 12 November 1795, Jones is shown on the hustings to the left; and at the other meetings of that body he was one of the chief declaimers.
On 11 March 1796 in that year he, and John Binns delivered lectures, as delegates from the London Corresponding Society, in Birmingham; but the meeting was broken up. Next year (9 April 1797) Jones was tried at Warwick before Justice Nash Grose, and, although defended by Samuel Romilly and Felix Vaughan, was convicted on one count, the seditious expression "that he was sent to know whether the people of Birmingham would submit to the Treason and Sedition Bills".
Early in 1810 Charles Philip Yorke insisted on the exclusion of strangers from the House of Commons during the debates on the Walcheren expedition. After a debate on this proceeding in the British forum, the result condemning Yorke was announced outside the building in a placard drawn up by Jones. Yorke brought the matter before the House of Commons as a breach of privilege (19 February 1810), and Jones was ordered to attend the house. He acknowledged the authorship, was voted guilty, and committed to Newgate Prison, where he remained until 21 June, when the House of Commons rose. He declined to recognise the legality of his restraint or to petition for his release, and was, it is said, only got out at last by a stratagem. During his imprisonment, Francis Burdett, Romilly, and Sir James Hall made motions for his release, but they were all unsuccessful, although in Romilly's case the majority was only 160 to 112. A letter which Burdett wrote on Jones's treatment led to his committal to Newgate.