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John Coode (Governor of Maryland)

John Coode
1ºLeaders of the Protestant Associators of Maryland
In office
Preceded by William Joseph (Proprietary Governors)
Succeeded by Nehemiah Blakiston
Personal details
Born c. 1648
Penryn, Cornwall, Kingdom of England
Died February or March 1709
Profession colonial governor
Religion Puritan Christian

John Coode (c. 1648, Cornwall – February or March 1709) best known for leading a rebellion, that overthrew Maryland's colonial government in 1689. He participated in four separate uprisings and briefly served as Maryland's governor (1689–1691) as the 1st Leader of the Protestant Associators.

Coode was born in Penryn, Cornwall, Kingdom of England about 1648, to a wealthy Cornish family. He attended Oxford University when he was only 16 years old. Coode and his father had a falling out the year before, as young Coode was said to be behaving "sinfully." Coode's father claimed that his son was "wearing clothing intended for the weaker sex." In 1668 Coode became an Anglican priest. In 1672, he journeyed to Maryland.

Coode served as a minister briefly in the colony, but soon renounced his priesthood in order to marry a wealthy widow, Susannah Slye. Susannah’s father, Thomas Gerrard, was an important figure in the colony, but had his grievances towards the ruling Calvert family. This relationship helped influence Coode's growing disfavor towards the Maryland government.

After his marriage to Susannah, Coode became involved in the affairs of the Colony. Over the next few years, he was appointed a captain of the militia, a justice in Saint Mary's County, and elected to the Maryland Assembly.

In 1681, Coode took part in a rebellion against the government. It is not known exactly what role he played in this plot, but after its ensuing failure, he was arrested along with former Maryland governor, Josias Fendall (ca. 1628-1687). Coode was later freed on bail, but he was removed from office and viewed as a dissident of the Calverts. Charles Calvert described both Fendall and Coode as "rank Baconists", comparing both men with the 1676 rebellion which had caused great disruption in neighbouring Virginia. Fendall was banished from Maryland, but Coode escaped punishment.

In 1689, Coode planned another rebellion. An increasing number of Protestants had been moving to Maryland and they began to resent the fact that most political offices were held by Catholics or other close friends of the Calverts. Many Protestants were also upset because Maryland's government had not yet recognized the new Protestant king and queen of England, William and Mary, who had seized power from the Catholic King James II in the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

