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Joe Green (entrepreneur)

Joe Green is a social entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley in the United States. He is the co-founder (along with Sean Parker) of Causes, a company most famous for its Facebook app designed to encourage philanthropy and make giving a social experience. He was also the president and is one of the founders (along with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and many others) of FWD.us, a 501(c)(4) group created to lobby for immigration reform, reforms to education, investment in technology, supporting oil drilling, oil and gas development initiatives, including drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Keystone XL pipeline., and in opposition to Obamacare among Republican US senators who back immigration reform., all in a United States-specific context.

While in high school in Santa Monica, Green was interested in politics and community activism. According to a Los Angeles Times story, Green "ran for the local school board when he was 17 and campaigned for a living wage for Santa Monica hotel and restaurant workers." Joe is Jewish.

In the Fall of 2003, while an undergraduate at Harvard University, Joe Green helped Mark Zuckerberg (who would later found Facebook) create Facemash, a website that allowed users to compare and rate the faces of Harvard undergraduates for attractiveness. Both Green and Zuckerberg were threatened with expulsion by Harvard's administrative board.

Green had reportedly attempted to persuade Mark Zuckerberg to create a social network centered around politics, but Zuckerberg created Facebook instead.

In light of the trouble with Facemash, Green's father advised him against collaborating with Zuckerberg on projects similar to Facemash in the future. As a result, Green declined Zuckerberg's offer of shares in Facebook. Had Green accepted, these shares would have been worth billions of dollars at the time of the Facebook IPO.

