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Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy

Jindřichův Hradec - Obrataň
0,000 Jindřichův Hradec
SG from Veselí nad Lužnicí
Dual Gauge 760 / 1435 mm
DG to Jihlava and Nová Bystřice
3,323 Horní Skrýchov
5,853 Dolní Radouň
7,583 Lovětín
8,962 Lovětín obec
10,606 Nekrasín
12,255 Nová Včelnice
15,850 Žďár u Kamenice nad Lipou
18,450 Rodinov
20,265 Kamenice nad Lipou
23,567 Včelnička
27,798 Benešov nad Lipou
30,526 Chválkov
33,452 Dobešov
35,565 Černovice u Táboraf
39,844 Křeč
43,074 Sudkův Důl
45,123 Obrataň zastávka
45,996 Obrataň
Jindřichův Hradec - Nová Bystřice
0,000 Jindřichův Hradec
SG from Veselí nad Lužnicí
Dual Gauge 760 / 1435 mm
NG to Obrataň
SG to Jihlava
Connection to Jitka a.s.
5,240 Jindřiš
Jindřiš zastávka
8,563 Blažejov
10,720 Malý Ratmírov
13,339 Střížovice
18,039 Kunžak-Lomy
22,306 Kaproun
24,523 Senotín
Highest Point 673 m
27,144 Hůrky
30,194 Albeř
32,869 Nová Bystřice

Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy (Jindřichův Hradec Local Railways) is the company which operates the narrow gauge railway lines from Jindřichův Hradec to Nová Bystřice and Obrataň in the Czech Republic. Both lines are 760 mm (2 ft 5 1516 in) gauge.

The line to Nová Bystřice was opened on 1 November 1897 and the line to Obrataň followed on 24 December 1906.

Both lines were originally operated with steam locomotives and there were engine sheds at Jindřichův Hradec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Nova Bystřice und Obrataň. Soon after opening a goods service with roll-blocks was established.

Following the founding of Czechoslovakia the railway became part of ČSD in 1924 and during World War II they came under the control of the Deutsche Reichsbahn

In 1998 both lines were privatised and they are now owned and operated by JHMD.

Near Jindřichův Hradec there is a section of dual gauge track on the 1,435 mm (4 ft 8 12 in) standard gauge České dráhy line between Veselí nad Lužnicí and Jihlava.

The maximum permitted speed today is 50 km/h (31 mph) and the steepest gradient is 2.6% near Kamenice nad Lipou.

