Jim Trelease (born March 23, 1941), also known as James Joseph Trelease, is an educator and author who stresses reading aloud to children as a way to instill in them the love of literature.
James “Jim” Trelease was born on March 23 in Orange, New Jersey to George Edward and Jane (Conlan) Trelease, a Cornish American family. In 1945, his family moved to Union, New Jersey where he attended St. Michael Parish School. In 1952, his family moved to North Plainfield, New Jersey. Here he attended Stoney Brook Junior High and North Plainfield High School. Three years later, he moved again to Springfield, Massachusetts and attended Cathedral High School. He graduated in 1959. From 1959 to 1963, Trelease was enrolled in the University of Massachusetts, where he received a B.A. from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In 1963, he married Susan Kelleher; the couple has two children: Elizabeth Jane and James Joseph, Jr. Trelease. He served in United States Army Intelligence from 1964 to 1966 as a First Lieutenant.
Trelease lectured to school groups and educational gatherings across the nation from 1979 until 2008, often in conjunction with purveyors of books for young people, about the fundamental importance of youthful reading to the entire process of education.
Jim helped to put an end to a controversy over Wilt Chamberlain's 100-point game. In 1990, a reel-to-reel tape of Bill Campbell's entire fourth quarter call surfaced. Jim had recorded a 3 a.m. re-broadcast of the fourth quarter of the game. The NBA merged the reel-to-reel with the Dictaphone tape, which also included a short postgame show.