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Jerusalem Kollel

The Jerusalem Kollel
Motto From the heart of the world, educating the nation
Formation 2002
Type Kollel
Purpose Jewish Leadership
  • 140 מעגלי הרי"ם לוין, Sanhedria Murchevet, Jerusalem
Official language
English, Hebrew,
Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
Website www.thejerusalemkollel.com

The Jerusalem Kollel is a rabbinic education program with the stated goal of training kollel students to assume positions of leadership in Jewish communities worldwide.

Established in the autumn of the Jewish calendar year 5762 (2002), the kollel opened with twenty young men. As of 2012, the Kollel had over 70 students and had placed over 130 alumni in positions of community leadership throughout the world.

The Dean of the Kollel is Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits, a respected advisor on contemporary halachic issues, especially for Jerusalem’s English-speaking haredi community. Berkovits was a student of the Mir yeshiva (Jerusalem) and served as Menahel Ruchani of Yeshivas Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem for 16 years.

The Women's Program is headed by Rebbetzin Chana Kalsmith.

