The Jericho Benedictines are a Society of Apostolic Life which is one of the forms of religious community within the Latin branch of the Catholic Church.
The Jericho Benedictines began in Paisley, Scotland, during the 1970s, when a group of men found themselves deeply moved by the plight of those who lived rough, and were marginalised by society because of their struggle with alcohol. Father James Ferguson, a priest of the Diocese of Paisley, gathered these men together and they chose the name 'Jericho Benedictines', a name which is highly significant. The Jericho Benedictine website states that its members have the ministry of... "welcoming, supporting, and caring for those being “passed by on the other side” irrespective of colour, class, creed, sex or sexual orientation"
As a Society of Apostolic Life is not a religious order and Jericho Benedictines do not take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. However, they embrace these same charisms so that they may: live simply, devote themselves totally to the ministry and be willing to go where they are most needed, even when this is inconvenient.
The Society accepts enquiries from single men between the ages of 20 - 50, with a minimum of two substantial visits (Monday-Friday) being required for the possibility of admission to postulancy, a period which lasts from 6 to 9 months. After this there is a two-year novitiate in the Society's motherhouse, the Monastery of Jesus at Kilbarchan, near the town of Johnstone in Renfrewshire. The motherhouse was opened in 1990. At the end of the novitiate the novice is received as an Oblate of Saint Benedict at Prinknash Abbey, Gloucestershire, with which the Jericho Benedictines have been granted an informal association. Thereafter he returns to the motherhouse where he makes a temporary profession for three years, during which time both spiritual and secular development continue in order for the member to begin ministering at one of the Jericho inns. After the three-year period, he is received as a permanent member of the Community.The religious garb of the members is composed of a denim-coloured habit in the Benedictine style, with the letters JB (for Jericho Benedictines) emblazoned on the scapular.